Porriner, 1989
He has lived most of his life in Madrid. He has a degree in Agricultural Engineering, but has since forgotten most of it. He is the editor of impossible projects that take shape in unique books such as Cuaderno Número Cero, Cuaderno de China and Tao. He has a compulsive obsession with the night and electrical landscapes, which fill his mind with interference.
He has been working on China since 2002. In 2006 the magazine Ojo de Pez published part of RADIOCHINA, a project for which he received the FotoPres Grant a year later. He has worked printing in black & white format at the Juan Manuel Castro Prieto Laboratory and has collaborated with Luis Asín. In 2007 he was awarded the ÁNGEL PHOTOGRAPHY GRANT for his project WUHAN. He currently lives in China...